Monday, July 28, 2003

Blogging in L.A.

Headland switches coasts for a few days, coming to you from Los Angeles. Security lines this morning in the Baltimore-Washington airport were the longest I've seen -- perhaps 1/4 mile long. It didn't matter how far in advance you had arrived -- everyone eventually had to be called out of line to the front in order to make the departure time. At one point, one bold fellow stepped out of line and yelled to the rest of us: "You know what's going on here, don't you? They're having a sickout. Only seven of the fifteen security stations are doing business. They can't strike, so they're slowing things down in order to get a measly $400." I've googled about a bit today, but can't find anything on airport security screeners conducting a sickout. Any readers who can tell me more about this situation: please write.

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|| headland, 8:34 PM


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